Saturday 26 May 2012

Up Coming Next ...

Analysis of family relationships and new technology through Disney's TRON LEGACY.

Friday 25 May 2012

"At the Begging" of This Blog!!(hope youn can tell which animation features the song.;))

Hello, people! My name is Eriko Yabe. This is the first post of my blog "UseYourMagic by Eriko.Y". I know it is too sudden, but can you guess what is the "magic" I want you and myself to use?? It's the magic to analyze things around you,especially what we are really interested in. I'm a student of the university in Tokyo, and I'm majoring Media Literacy. I started studying media just 2 years ago when I entered my university. Though I wasn't mean to study media particularly, since my home class professor was one of the experts in media, my classmates and I had to study media anyway.haha Fortunately (or unfortunately?*wink), she, my professor draw me in the world of media analysis and once I got to know the new way to see the world, I cannot put off the glasses of critical thinking analysis way. Critical Thinking- is not only the way of thinking just to criticize our surroundings badly, but also we can reassure their excellence by criticizing them once! Since I really like Disney, grew up in the 15 minutes away by bicycles from Tokyo Disney Land, am working for them currently, and was believed in that: someday my prince will come, I was so shocked and cried when my professor told me that Disney Princesses effect bad on children and they are all about making money. But through analyzing my favorite Disney "critically", sometimes with tears in my eyes(lol) I found that what my professor and other media experts are saying is true, but also Disney Princesses are having really positive change in their newer animations;) hehehe So I feel like I can fight back against those experts as one of the fans and friends of Disney This blog will be about anything but what I'm really interested in, and I will analyze and think about them through critical thinking way with using some analyze techniques by media experts that I've learned in several lectures I've been taking for 2 years. UseYourMagic, to enrich your life, analyze critically to have the real understanding of what  you really like, and get to love them more in real life!! I am not a native speaker of English nor studied English abroad. My English is PURELY MADE IN JAPAN. So you may feel difficulty when you read my English. But I'll try my best, and I'm really looking forward to explore new world with all of you guys.  If you have any comment, especially, I would love to get some thoughts that are different from or against for my analysis, please leave me some messages for each articles so that we all can discuss! I love listening to people's stories more than talking by myself!haha Thank you in advance! Xxx, Eriko.Y